D&d In Big D

The Secrets of Skyhorn Lighthouse (by Arcane Library) Guest Starring Renee Rhodes



Jin’Uldine leads a crew of adventurers into a harbor town where something is attacking all shipping traffic near the mysterious Skyhorn Lighthouse.  What could possibly go wrong?  Renee Rhodes shows off her seaworthy sea-casting as she navigates through this one shot!Join us as we dive into another adventure from Arcane Library that is available at https://www.thearcanelibrary.com/.  Be sure to subscribe to their newsletter to get some sage-like advice from the Inner Circle of the Arcane Library!  Follow them on Twitter at @arcanelibrary to stay updated and be the first to know about their latest endeavors.After this episode, be sure to give Fate and The Fablemaidens your ear-time at https://fatefmcast.com/.  After you subscribe to their podcast, follow them on Twitter at @FateFMCast.  Be sure to give each of the cast a follow as well. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/dndinbigd/support