Sql Server Radio

Show 42 - Database Testing and Continuous Integraton wiith Steve Jones



In today's world where deployments to production are very frequent, continuous integration and testing code become more important than ever.  In this show, we talk to Steve Jones (Blog | Twitter), the editor of SQLServerCentral.com about how to do it. Among other topics, we talk to Steve about: His work at SQLServerCentral and his favorite parts over the years What he's looking for in SQL Server 2016 What is continuous integration and how it can be done with SQL Server How to test your database code before it gets to production Data Quality Services and Master Data Services Items mentioned in the show: SQLServerCentral Steve's Blog - Voice of the DBA Voice of the DBA podcast DBA Team - Steve on a horse Steve Jones - 100 Hours Josh Kaufman - The first 20 hours (TEDxCSU) tSQLt SQL Server Radio show 38 - DevOps, Cloud and Podcasting with Richard Campbell Practical Refactoring Redgate SQL Release About Steve Steve has been working with SQL Server since 1991, when he became the accidental DBA for a SQL Server