
Backtalk: Indictment Day & Kevin Spacey



This week, Dahlia and Amy dig into the beginning of the indictments against Trump-adjacent folks and the latest crop of sexual abuse allegations against powerful men. There’s a moment of mini-celebrations because FBI director’s Robert Mueller’s investigation into Trump’s campaign team and possible collusion with Russian officials. Indictments were served for former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and his business partner Rick Gates. Trump’s former advisor, George Papadopoulos, plead guilty to lying to the FBI! Yowza. Prayer hand emojis for more days of indictment to come. Then they discuss the latest in Hollywood BS with actor Anthony Rapp’s story of a 26-year-old Kevin Spacey making sexual advances against Rapp when he was just 14 years old. Spacey tried to divert from attention to this by coming out as a gay man. Ugh.