Gmb Fitness Show - Physical Autonomy

How To Make Fitness Fit Your Lifestyle



Learning how to make fitness fit in with your current lifestyle can seem a bit backwards to most of us. A common misconception in the fitness world is believing you need to radically alter your current lifestyle to accommodate your new fitness routine. Otherwise, how will you ever achieve the successes and radical transformations promised by all those mainstream fitness programs? Here at GMB, we know for a fact that achieving your fitness goals doesn’t mean adopting the lifestyle of something you have no desire to become - the hardcore athlete, the gym rat, the 5am cardio slave. That’s why we created the GMB Method. And within that method is the guiding principle of learning to make fitness fit into your current lifestyle, rather than the other way around. In this episode of the GMB Show, Ryan and Jarlo give you a candid look at what they’re both working on currently in terms of fitness routines and how they adapt their fitness to fit their busy lifestyles. You’ll learn how Jarlo is approaching his