Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

TBL Episode 48: Allowing Yourself the Permission to Explore and Find Your Passion



Upon reflecting on when he knew he was an entrepreneur, Akbar Sheikh joked that he was brainwashed by his father into becoming an entrepreneur. The way of the entrepreneur is the only way he knew, so he was destined to take that path. During a recent chat with Gabe, Akbar reflects on his entry into entrepreneurship and shares some very insightful comments along with plenty of actionable advice for this episode of Today’s Business Leaders. Finding His Way One of the reasons Akbar became an entrepreneur is because after applying everywhere, he could never get a job. He owned a car dealership for a while and eventually found his way helping other entrepreneurs scale their businesses. He now understands that in order to succeed at business you need to feel passionate about that business. “You have to enjoy the business you are in. I think a lot of people give up on it because they are in the wrong business,” says Akbar. Control Your Circle of Influence With so much noise, it can be hard to know who to let in an