Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

TBL Episode 16: Manufacturing Urgency and How to Succeed as an Entrepreneur



From full-time online poker player to successful entrepreneur, Chris Sparks has led a life that greatly varies from his original intentions. In this episode of Today’s Business Leaders, Gabe of Business Marketing Engine and Chris of The Forcing Function chat about the choices that caused Chris to detour from his chosen path. Best Laid Plans Initially, Chris was not interested in being an entrepreneur. He wanted to make television commercials and was interested in marketing. All of the decisions he made throughout school lead him to a marketing position with Ford after college. Unfortunately, shortly before he was set to start his first post-college job, the auto industry fell apart. Chris entered a period he refers to as job purgatory. Turn to What You Know With his marketing career on hold, Chris turned to online poker. At this point, he had been playing poker for several years, and he even financed his way through college by playing poker. His days were very structured, and he treated online poker like a j