I Love Marketing With Joe Polish And Dean Jackson

The 9-Word Email: The Easy, Compelling, and Quick Way to Make Instant Sales While Connecting With Right Fit Clients Featuring Dean Jackson, Joe Polish, Jennifer Hudye, and Alex Moscow - I Love Marketing Episode #395



If you are looking to create even bigger results through email by connecting and creating new experiences for your Clients... This episode is for YOU. This week we are revisiting the episode on 'The 9-Word Email.' If you would like to get the full episode please visit ILoveMarketing.com/395 Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from Dean Jackson, Joe Polish, Jennifer Hudye, and Alex Moscow in this episode: Press “send” and collect a quick cash windfall from all your prospects from the last 90 days. Here’s how… Dean gives you the exact 9-word email template you can use in your business The Email Barista: A smart way to effectively automate responding to emails What to write in a subject line so your emails almost ALWAYS get opened Dean shares the 2 most powerful ways to use a 9-word email One email Jennifer sent to her list that made $12,000 IN A DAY