I Love Marketing With Joe Polish And Dean Jackson

Creating A Vision Worth Sharing: I Love Marketing LIVE Featuring Cameron Herold with Dean Jackson - I Love Marketing Episode #391



What is your Vivid Vision?  If you are trying to build an organization of people who share your same values and energy and want to make things happen on a bigger scale, then this episode is for you! Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from Cameron, and Dean in this episode: What a VIVID VISION is and why it’s so important for building a meaningful organization How to get PASSIONATE Team Members to see your vision and make your dreams a reality The biggest mistake leaders make when trying to make forward progress in their business Once your Vivid Vision attracts people to you, here is how to ensure they are the RIGHT people How to leverage your Entrepreneurial superpower AND protect yourself from extreme failure Why being the smartest person in the room is NOT as much an advantage as THIS ONE THING The Vivid Vision process explained STEP-BY-STEP and EXACTLY how to create YOUR Vivid Vision One of the most important lessons Cameron learned from Elon Musk about DREAMING BIG