Grace At Fort Clarke Podcast

Praying to a Deaf God



Times are tough and everybody seems angry or depressed. Or plain worn-out. Even followers of Jesus still experience the pain, trouble, and distress of this world. But God meets us at our worst, inviting us to cast our anxieties and burdens on him. He gives us permission to pour our hearts out to him by learning to lament. In the story of David, we find the man after God’s own heart expressing his unfiltered emotions to God, and God meets him in his fear and weariness. He wants to do the same for you. QUESTIONS 1. What is one thing that stood out to you from this week’s message? 2. Read John 16:33 and Matthew 6:34 again. Discuss this statement: “When we become followers of Jesus, we do not obtain an exemption from trials and suffering. Being children of God does not make us immune from experiencing the storms of life.” 3. How do you usually respond to pain, grief, anger, and hurt? Do you detach, fake it, or distract yourself? Explain what that looks like for you. 4. What are your thoughts about pouring out y