Lag In The Late Night




LLN EP 37: BRICKFORCE (nsfw) MP3 Voices You Hear:Wolv21, Luclin, Dan021, GrimGarySpecial Guest:Matt from BrickForceShow Notes 02:00 Notch's Game04:00 Guild Wars II04:58 Brick Force06:20 Matt - Berlin07:48 Matt - Community Manager, Social Media, Works with Game Designers and QA09:00 LLN's opinion of the game10:15 How many people in the Family? (116)10:32 How is Beta testing going?11:15 Wolv likes streaming Brick Force12:04 Exclusive beta testing - penciled in for this week - first test of browser version coming up - going to deactivate the client version to test the browser version?13:05 Will it work with all browsers?  Developed in Unity - should work in all browsers14:50 Better way to get around in build mode - fly mode? Will they add those in the future?  Next big update will have jet packs in the shop!16:26 Jet packs in pvp would be cool, but hard to balance.16:53 Excited about combining sandbox and shooter17:16 Do you plan on shortening "over time" for spawn?  What do you think about