Weekend Variety Wireless With Graeme Hill On Radiolive

Weekend Variety Wireless - Hour 2 - 06/05/2018



Are Dr. Oz's claims legitimate when he speaks about the efficacy of the so-called 'miracle' products on his show? Graeme describes Dr. Oz as an odious character, he is a qualified Doctor but does he care about his reputation of credibility therein of said discipline? Dr. Oz's lack of skepticism has landed him in some hot water. Trump attends to appoint Dr. Oz for a 2-year term on his president's council in the sports and nutrition department... Siouxsie says this could be the beginning of the end of Dr. Oz. Also, anti Cancer therapy in America has been claimed by a man named Burzynski. Siouxsie says if it were a real cure it wouldn't be on some dodgy website, it would be in the hospital, actually used to treat people with cancer. Robert S Muller III is heading to court against Donald Trumps ex-campaign manager... and has issued 70 subpoenas in light of this. John Dybvig joins Graeme Hill for this weeks Letter from America, Robert Muller, Trump & a Simpsons reference? Dybvig reckons Trump will ge