This Is Acid!




I'm trying something a little different with the mixes when I am on deck for them. I will be playing tracks from a single artist or group that I enjoy in a single mix. There is a lot of great Acid music out there and it can get lost with all the music available to us. Many times you might miss a track or two from an Artist you like and somehow find it later, these mixes will, I hope, display a full catalog of music in one place in a nice neat little package. I've decided to start out this little project with Beukhoven Sloopwerken, just don't ask me how to say the name. I found these guys from none other than friend of the show Dj Wank. I have been asking for well over a year if they could put me together a mix, but djing is not really their thing so this idea popped up in my head. I asked with their permission if I could figure out a mix of some their tracks and put in on the podcast. They agreed but on top of that they sent me their full arsenal of music and was told to have at it. Well I have had at it and