Risen King Alliance Church

When Jesus Is "The Focus of Our Worship"



Present yourself naked before Jesus, and worship; you will be changed. Pastor Mike Plunket establishes the truth of our identity as stated in 1 Peter 2:9: we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, God’s own purchased, special people. That’s our identity, and the calling of our life flows from that truth, not from our behavior. God is who defines our identity, based on who He says we are: we are chosen. It’s our undeserved gift, and the One who gave it is faithful and trustworthy. This message presents the God who will cross your way and contradict you, until you decide to align to His ultimate, non negotiable finality: the purpose of your life is to worship Jesus, and through Him, worship the Father. For Jesus is the radiance of His Glory (Hebrews 1:3). Fix your eyes on Jesus; connect with Him in all honesty. He is the vine, you are the branches, all that is His will flow through and to you. Your life will flourish, and you will become like Him.Support the show (http://www.risenking.life/