Enter The Void




Jean-Luc Godard's 1967 WEEKEND (or WEEK-END, if you prefer) is a scathing political satire if you understand what's going on, or a long strange trip if you don't. Your hosts have been on both sides of this divide, and today they come together to talk about seeing the film as a clueless undergrad; Tarantino and Wheatley as JLG fans and other films it influenced; the automobile and capitalist society; anti-colonialist speeches with sandwiches; a digression on the legacies of Hunter S. Thompson and Jann Wenner; Black Mirror, Get Out and other contemporary satires; and the puzzles of Lewis Carroll. Weekend links: Weekend on IMDb Weekend on Wikipedia Roger Ebert review Pauline Kael review Renata Adler review Richard Brody review Criterion essay Columbia essay Pop Matters essay Senses of Cinema essay Ben Wheatley on Weekend Rolling Stone interview with Godard Sticky Fingers NYT review Solution to Lewis Carroll puzzle More Lewis Carroll puzzles Show links: Subscribe: Apple Podcasts Archives: enterthevoid.fm Fol