Enter The Void




For the last installment of our three-part special series on TWIN PEAKS: THE RETURN, we have two more interviews: Bill talks with Alex Fulton, author of a widely-read essay arguing the final two episodes are meant to be watched in sync; and Renan has a conversation with writer Alex Pappademas, formerly of Grantland, GQ, SPIN and MTV News, about the the origins of his Twin Peaks fandom, his double reaction as a fan and critic, critical response to the show, analysis of episode 8, and Fire Walk With Me.  Twin Peaks links: Twin Peaks: The Return on IMDb Twin Peaks: The Return on Wikipedia Twin Peaks: The Return on Showtime Alex Fulton essay on syncing episodes 17 & 18 Alex Fulton at The Sync Book Alex Fulton's @cryptokubrology on Twitter Pappademas on Fire Walk With Me for Grantland Pappademas "preview" of then-forthcoming Showtime Peaks Vulture on whether Twin Peaks was worth it for Showtime Show links: Subscribe: Apple Podcasts Archives: enterthevoid.fm Follow us: Facebook + Twitter