Enter The Void




The final episode of season 2 attempts to grapple with Terrence Malick's 2011 THE TREE OF LIFE, a wildly ambitious epic concerning matters both micro and macro, from small-town family life in midcentury Texas to nothing less than the birth and death of the universe. Starring Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, Jessica Chastain with behind-the-camera contributions from Douglas Trumbull and Emmanuel Lubezki, your hosts aren't entirely sure what it all means, but it sure is fascinating to think and talk about. In this episode: the state of grace vs. the state of nature; comparisons to 2001: A Space Odyssey; a curious advisory before the film begins; "shibboleth nicknames"; and what's up with those dinosaurs, anyway? We hope you enjoyed season 2 as much as we did, and we'll return in July! THE TREE OF LIFE links  IMDb ◇ Wikipedia ◇ Trailer ◇ NYT ◇ New Yorker ◇ Globe Enter The Void links  iTunes ◇ Tumblr ◇ Facebook ◇ Spotify ◇ @enterthepod We did good? Rate us on iTunes! Got a movie for us? Email us at void@enterthevoid.fm!