New Spiritual York

Catching an Express Train Out of Anxiety | "Tough In The City"



New Spiritual York is a podcast about self-care and spirituality in New York City.In this episode Yuraimi & Michelle explore how the persona of "toughness", which ultimately is the fear of vulnerability, drives New Yorker's into chronic anxiety. They discuss the stigma of being a vulnerable, how to develop fearless connection, and share their advice on overcoming fear and anxiety. Recommended Video:Renee Brown's TED Talk: The Power of VulnerabilityRecommended Reading:Daring Greatly by Renee BrownBest CBD Oils ReviewJoin Yuraimi and Michelle as they host Women's Empowerment Circle, monthly @ The Healers Way, a holistic healing practice in Midtown Manhattan. RSVP Here.In NYC this Spring? Our next circle is April 12th RSVPWomen circles are an intimate gathering where women, and those who identify as female, learn new ways of speaking, listening, and relating to others. Wherever a woman is in her journey, the circle offers incredible support for what her soul is seeking right now and