Sermons from First Presbyterian Church, Edmond, OK

Seeking God’s Pleasure – A Study of Philippians “The Politics of Heaven” Philippians 1:27-30 Mateen Elass



Listen to this sermon...Seeking God’s Pleasure – A Study of Philippians “The Politics of Heaven” Philippians 1:27-30 This text contains what I believe is the key verse of the whole letter (1:27), which is Paul’s central exhortation to his flock. Everything in this letter teaches what it means to live worthily of the gospel. This is politics in its original sense of proper public conduct. For Christians that entails standing firm in one spirit against cultural tides; striving side by side for the truth of the faith; acting confidently and courageously in the face of enemy attacks. Interestingly, Paul sees suffering for Christ as a gift God has granted us, along with the gift of faith! Grace over arches all of life!