Ontario Craft Brewers' Podcast

Niagara College Teaching Brewery & Food (Part 2)



For part two of the Ontario Brewer Podcast feature on the Niagara College Teaching Brewery, Mirella and brewing student Austin Roach are joined by Chef Matt Kantor, who is the chef behind the Secret Pickle Supper Club, Little Kitchen and Ghost Chef. Chef Matt has brought in two dishes that he’s designed to pair with the First Draft Campus Ale and the First Draft Campus Lager. Taste along and discover the flavours of these two OCB beers and how they pair with food! Recipes are available on the recipes section of the OCB Website (link) A special thanks to our partner for this podcast: Chef Matt Kantor Chef Matt Kantor is a graduate of the culinary institute of America in New York and has worked in many well regarded Restaurants. Matt has been pairing food and beer forever and a day, going back to his beer-making and cooking days at College in Albany, New York. Now living in Toronto, Matt is currently the chef behind the Secret Pickle Supper Club, Little Kitchen and Ghost Chef. Find out more at: www.mattkantor.c