2bs Radio Archive

2000-09-15 Practice Show



2000-09-15 Practice ShowGuests: Kris Kamlet, Terenna 1:35:16 We warm up the station with a little practice show to kick off the new school year. Kris Kamlet completes part of his on-air training. More music, less talking. The Three Strike Policy. An Ode to the back country roads around oneonta. Okay, the station has been warmed up. A little sample from Blasts from the Past. http://twobs.com/wiki/2BS_Radio_Archive_2000-09-15 2000-09-15 | 1:35:16 | 2BS Radio Archive | The Main Event | Friday | WRHO 89.7 FM Hartwick College Oneonta NY | The B-Smith Radio Archive | Archived Recordings from my College Radio Show | www.twobs.com | 2bsradioarchive.blogspot.com | For full details > http://twobs.com/wiki/2BS_Radio_Archive_2000-09-15