Middleton Methods: Marriage, Family, & Business Podcast

#127: Win-Win vs Win Lose



Parenting tips for happy kids . Ugh...the mom/dad guilt was STRONG this week!! . So often we are so busy and rushing that we just want the kids to pick up their toys, brush their teeth, get dressed, etc. so we can get out the door without being late for once! . In all this rushing we tend to say things like "do it or else.." or when asked "why do I have to" we say "because I said so" (God we sound like our parents right?! lol . In this episode we dive into a more effective way to talk with the kids so you get what you want with less yelling or tantrums. . WARNING: This is NOT a quick fix. It requires more patience than you probably feel you have BUT, with enough practice, you'll be raising kids that make it THEIR idea to take responsibilty for the things you're always telling them to do. . What's working for you? Have you tried this approach before? . Let us know in the comments!