Ask Megan!

78 ~ Ask Megan! What do rehearsals look like at NCYB?



On each episode Megan answers YOUR questions each and every Tuesday.  Today’s question come from Rachel who wrote in to say: I am curious what rehearsals look like at NYCB. Who are the players involved in group, divertissment, solo, and pas de deux rehearsals? Is a répétiteur always present, or only for choreography of certain choreographers?  What is the role of ballet coaches?  I see some of this from YouTube posts from NYCB, SF Ballet, Royal Ballet, etc., and would love to know more. Love your podcast,particularly the "behind the scenes"topics.  As a huge ballet fan, it's so fun to learn about all of the various things that go into a production before the curtain goes up! ​ - Rachel Perez  Megan loved this question and really dove in deep on this one! Find Megan Fairchild ~  website/Twitter/Instagram Do you have a question about Ballet? YOU can be a part of the show by sending us your questions by clicking HERE:   Twitter/Instagram Please leave Rate and Review this show