Ask Megan!

69 ~ Ask Megan! How do you know when to send your child away to year round Ballet training?



On each episode Megan answers YOUR questions each and every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Today’s question come from: Hi Megan, LOVE the show. As the mother of an aspiring dancer, how do I know when it is the right time to “send your kid” away to a year round training program.  It seems as if dancers are moving away at VERY young ages. Does this really help them in their future career? Thank you so much for your answer, Carol Megan truly helped Carol understand a great way to approach this common dilemma many parents are facing. Find Megan Fairchild ~  website/Twitter/Instagram Do you have a question about Ballet? YOU can be a part of the show by sending us your questions by clicking HERE:   Twitter/Instagram Please leave Rate and Review this show