Dihard Podcast

Episode 50 Walking the Nerdist Way pt. 1



This is the first of many parts of Walking the Nerdist Way. (If you have a better idea let me know and I'll buy you a free Nerdist T-Shirt). Important Links: http://nerdistway.com  http://dihard.info  @nerdist Nerdist Way is available in paperback! Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Nerdist-Way-Reach-Next-Level/dp/042525318X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1353680186&sr=1-1&keywords=nerdist+way Summary Walking the Nerdist Way contest: help me think of a better name and I'll buy you a t-shirt of your choice from http://www.spreadshirt.com/ Why read the Nerdist Way? The mind: You are the time lord of your TARDIS! Seize your nerdly powers and use them to help you and not hurt you. The Body: Important because when your body hurts everything sucks. Time: find out where you are loosing time and capture it for greater productivity for creativity! I