Dihard Podcast

Episode 44: Alpha 3-9er



In this episode I talk about Chris Hardwick on Pete Holmes' You Made It Weird: http://www.nerdist.com/2012/09/you-made-it-weird-87-chris-hardwick/ I talked about the Nerdist Way.  Have you been giving yourself a 5 minuet hug? Your assignment for next week is to start your characer sheet! We need to do this thing and post a bunch of examples to nerdistway.com Thank you for listening! Remember, don't give up what you want most for what you want right now! More podcasty goodness: http://dihard.info Opening music “Get it on” under the direction of Brian Cardanay 2008 URI Marching Band. The closing song is “Do it anyway” by Ben Folds Five.