Gosh Daniel

047 - Tomb Raider and A Wrinkle in Time Review, New Trailers, and an Oscar Reflection



If we sound tired it's probably because we are. If you want to fund our Caffeine Budget you can go to: https://www.patreon.com/goshdaniel. But seriously though, if you don't feel comfortable giving money to random kids on the internet, then a good review on iTunes is just as appreciated. Thanks for listening!Full Episode Archive: https://goshdanielrants.blogspot.comYouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkKHhIeSNbyLznb780h7dIg Patreon: www.patreon.com/goshdanielTwitter: @GoshDanielPodBandcamp: https://goshdaniel.bandcamp.com/releases