

Yeah, so we're still not in the same studio. But! I basically passed my advanced sound engineering degree by hardcore figuring out how to hock up all the devices necessary and the result is alright. Is it great? Maybe not. But hey, this is the beginning of 2021 and our threshold for calling things "good enough" is pretty low. Anyways, while I'm wearing black and other dark shades to stress the general artsiness of my score (Philipp Glass, Koyaanisqatsi, Godfrey Reggio, 1983/1998), the Kaptain donned his classic Castlevania attire to perfectly accompany his Ryuji Sasai and Yasuhiro Kawakami score for the Square game Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (aka. Mystic Quest Legend) from 1992 for the SNES. As a bonus there are outtakes at the end because I messed up severely during the transitions from one track to the next. Warning: The outtakes contain heavy German swearing. Enjoy!