Broken Chair Scores

Episode 10 - The Quiz Part 1 - Remastered!



This is 2020 and due to Corona I'm having some time at my hands so I'm remastering the old episodes. We're talking reinserting all the music taken from proper sources and other minor tweaks to make it better. The original music was just recorded as played in the room from some shitty PC speakers. I went into the master and edited the tracks in properly. The original ep was uploaded in 2016. Here is the original description: (Beware that the rules of the quiz were still different than in later quiz episodes. The choices were solid though!) Broken Chair Scores Episode 10 is THE QUIZ! We had to split it in two parts because SOMEONE needed to go to the toilet and thus there was a cut in the flow of the show anyway. So this is part 1 and obviously I am not going to mention any of the tracks that are going to be played in the show since this would ruin the quiz-along experience for you! Instead you get the rules of the game that we basically stuck to. The pictures above show our super sophisticated audio setup