

In these trying times we need some constant elements that keep us grounded and sane. For some this element is their family or their job. Others might attribute these features to the Broken Chair Scores podcast of video game and movie soundtracks. So keep sane and sanitized and listen to this episode for your monthly dose of mental cleansing. More than any other episode this one brings you the latest in podcaster fashion since it is important during a crisis like this to hold up the facade of aesthetics and outer appearance. People rely on shit just staying normal and not changing. So although we're doing this one remotely we of course dressed for the occasion. Hear all about our fashion choices that were more or less directly influenced by our music selections. In this episode we got the soundtrack to the 2011 Cold War spy thriller Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy (directed by Tomas Alfredson) composed by Alberto Iglesias and the soundtrack to the 1993 cyberpunk-fantasy action role-playing video game Sh