Higher Aim With Dr. Curt Dodd

Revelation - The Final Answer - The Sixth Seal: The Great Earthquake



As we continue our study of the book of Revelation, we see that God’s will is being unpacked, and each seal is being unbroken one after the other. We have already seen the first, second and third seals. With the fourth seal, the horses of different colors bring the rule of the antichrist. This brings war, famine, and death. Then we see a picture as the fifth seal is opened, when the martyrs lose their lives. I really believe that the Scripture teaches that these are Jewish martyrs who now respond to Christ, yet they lose their lives. They are beheaded and they are under the altar. This is a picture of what God is doing to bring the end of time; and we are headed there very fast. Today, we are going to look at the Sixth Seal being opened, why this is such a terrifying seal, and how it gives us insight into what the future holds.