Dear Art Producer

079: Sari Rowe, Exec. Content Producer, Snyder Studio



Sari Rowe is Executive Content Producer at Snyder Studio and is based in Chicago. She’s got 20 years of integrated production experience and has worked at several different agencies across the U.S. like Ogilvy NY, TBWA\Chiat\Day, RPA. Sari ran the production department of VSA Chicago before transitioning to executive producer developing and running the animation arm of Snyder.  Heather and Sari talk about facilitating long-form animation with illustrators, problem-solving and value-engineered productions. They also discuss advice for producers looking to transition, the value of researching, finding new talent and the importance of personal work.   In an industry where the rules are always changing, it’s helpful to hear from those on the front lines. Heather Elder is the visionary behind; visit for industry updates, stunning photography and video, and the artists behind the work. More about our guest: Find Sari Rowe on LinkedIn here.  More about your host: Heather E