Bill Moyers Journal (audio) | Pbs

Christians United for Israel, plus Mickey Edwards and Matt Welch



John McCain has won the GOP nomination. Can he win the hearts and minds of the Christian right? Bill Moyers Journal reports on popular conservative evangelist John Hagee and his controversial endorsement of McCain. Hagee, leader of the politically powerful group Christians United for Israel (CUFI), has been criticized for controversial remarks about Catholics and about America's role in the Middle East. Then, Bill Moyers talks about the state and future of conservatism in light of Senator McCain's nomination with former Congressman Mickey Edwards (R-OK), author of REClAIMING CONSERVATISM: HOW A GREAT AMERICAN POlITICAl MOVEMENT GOT lOST - AND HOW IT CAN FIND ITS WAY BACK, and Matt Welch, editor of REASON magazine and author of MCCAIN: THE MYTH OF A MAVERICK.