Bill Moyers Journal (audio) | Pbs

David Cay Johnston, Craig Unger, Harvey J. Kaye



With all the talk of change coming out of the presidential campaigns, can we expect big money to lose its grip on Washington? Bill Moyers interviews NEW YORK TIMES investigative reporter and Pulitzer Prize-winner David Cay Johnston who says America's system has been rigged to benefit the super-rich. Also on the program, Bill Moyers talks with Harvey J. Kaye whose book Thomas Paine and the Promise of America channels the "the greatest radical of a radical age." Bill Moyers sits down with journalist Craig Unger, contributing editor of VANITY FAIR and author of the bestselling House of Bush, House of Saud and, most recently, The Fall of the House of Bush, who offers analysis on President Bush's recent trip to the Middle East.A Bill Moyers essay on Martin luther King, Jr., lBJ, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.