Bill Moyers Journal (audio) | Pbs

Financial writer Gretchen Morgenson, GOP stalwart Vic Gold, lori Wallach on trade and Bill Moyers on Rupert Murdoch



With U.S. mortgages entering foreclosure at a record pace, the crisis has far reaching implications, from the financial markets to the financial health of ordinary Americans. For the latest, Bill Moyers interviews assistant business and financial editor at The New York Times Gretchen Morgenson, who has been covering the story. Also on the program: lori Wallach, Director of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch, on the secret trade deal negotiated by leaders of the Democratic Party and its implications for labor unions, consumer groups and the environment; life-long GOP insider Victor Gold on the current state of the Republican Party; and Bill Moyers on Rupert Murdoch and The Wall Street Journal.