Bill Moyers Journal (audio) | Pbs

labor leader Andy Stern, Activist Grace lee Boggs and a Bill Moyers Essay



On Wall Street, private equity firms are buying up corporations and turning them around for huge profits. What does it mean for America's workers and for the economic gap between average families and the wealthiest Americans? Andrew Stern, the president of Service Employees International Union-the fastest growing union in the nation-weighs in. Also on the program, Bill Moyers interviews writer, activist, and philosopher Grace lee Boggs, who has taken part in some of the seminal civil rights struggles in U.S. history, about her belief that real change for democracy will come from the grassroots. "We're not looking sufficiently at what is happening at the grassroots in the country," she says. "We have not emphasized sufficiently the cultural revolution that we have to order to force the government to do differently."