Hillsong Sisterhood - Bobbie Houston

Sisterhood Conversation #35 with Angela, Kety & Elida (26 November 2020)



Join us for S.Hood Instagram Live with Angela Bachtle, Kety Samways & Elida Turner A FLOURISHING FINISH “This morning’s S.Hood IG Live was our last one for the year (our 35th one!) and it was certainly full of surprises! The lovely Angela Bachtle was full of warmth and wisdom, and she made the bloopers reel... while applying her own wisdom about not abandoning ship!  There was so much gold and then so much laughter! Hope you found the realness and rawness uplifting!  We have included short clips from Kety Samways and Elida Turner.  It’s well worth a listen and you might like to flag to a friend who may appreciate some encouragement and a good laugh!  Love always, Bobbie" #ThursdaysGirls #Sisterhood #BetterTogether _____ If you are in need of help or would like to chat to a Pastor, please visit Hillsong.com/Help We'd love for you to join us for church online Hillsong.com/Online _____ Connect with Bobbie and the Colour Sisterhood on Instagram and Facebook. @BobbieHouston @ColourSisterhoo