Hillsong Sisterhood - Bobbie Houston

Sisterhood Conversation #31 with Bobbie, Cass & Friends (29 October 2020)



Join us for S.Hood Instagram Live with Pastor Bobbie, Cass Langton & Friends. “Today’s S.Hood IG Live was special with friends & worship around my kitchen table, as we focused again on Breast Cancer Awareness. There was so much (helpful) gold as Cass Langton shared her journey through an ominous diagnosis; as Hannah Hobbs shared her (current) reality & the power of worship; and as beautiful Rachel Toomalatai sang over us. As I said at the front end... “the Holy Spirit is encouraging us to approach each day with miraculous expectation in mind”. Listen again or flag to a friend in need of encouragement. Love always, Bobbie P.S. As added resource, our “2018 Going Pink” morning is loaded on my IGTV History, with stunning encouragement from one of our sisters who, without doubt, is watching and smiling from heaven. Plus, on @coloursisterhood & @hillsongsisterhoodau, there are tracks and links for healthy awareness.” #ThursdaysGirls #Sisterhood #BetterTogether These conversations are currently h