Black Wolf Untitled

Will Black on the Holiday Liftoff



[This is the first time I have sat down to record anything since returning from the COVID shutdown in 2020 so bear with me as I sort out the details of audio engineering (at a very amateur level). There are some weird cuts in here as I removed a few instances of me rambling or not really contributing to the conversation. So each time you can hear a cut, just know I was doing you a favor] Will Black joined the Black Wolf team of coaches a few weeks back.  He brings with him a wealth of experience. From starting out under Jeff "Mad Dog" Madden at the University of Texas to being involved in his wife Janet's journey to 9 CrossFit Games appearances.  But specifically he sat down to discuss the details on Black Label Barbell's Holiday Lift Off which are hosting here at Black Wolf CrossFit on November 27th. Athletes can register through this link!