On The Road With Mac And Molly - Pets & Animals On Pet Life Radio (petliferadio.com)

PetLifeRadio.com - On The Road with Mac & Molly - Episode 12 Threats to Pets Part 2



Donna visits with San Antonio, Texas Veterinarian Rae Dishinger, of the Alamo Dog and Cat Hospital, who shares some of the "Threats to Pets" specific to the American Southwest. As Donna and her husband Gene have been moving about the country with Mac and Molly, they have had to be on guard against potential perils all along the way. In the West, they’ve been on the look out for rattlers and copperheads, coyotes and bobcats, feral hogs and even birds of prey. On occasion, they’ve been too late to keep Mac from rolling in burro poop and to keep Molly from eating cow pies. Donna chats with Rae about these concerns and asks what toxic plants may be encountered in the Southwest. Rae also offers advice on dealing with climatic changes when traveling with pets and shares the story of how her own beloved dog succumbed to the bite of a rattler. More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Threats to Pets Part 2 on Pet Life Radio