Risen Church Nc

Advent: Long Lay The World - Jeremiah 33:14-16



As we prepare our hearts for Christmas, Advent teaches us how to wait patiently and expectantly on the Lord. Christ's coming is certain, but in Advent we lean into the wait and realize that it's not in vain. The Bible is full of promises from God, that He will visit us in our waiting and deliver us. If and when we ever consider giving up, we are reminded that just as Christ came the first time, He will come again. We've never lived in a world apart from His care, and have nothing but more of His goodness to anticipate. In this message, we juggle the frustration that often comes from our seasons of waiting with the unwavering promises of God. We look back at the time before Christ came, at a world in great distress. Listen and learn the story behind the earliest Christmas prophecies, and discover that the message is just as relevant for us today. When it feels like God is NO WHERE, Advent reminds us that God is NOW HERE.