Risen Church Nc

The Church: Fully Convinced - Acts 24-26



This portion of Paul's custody and trials in Caesarea, features two leaders who are remembered for all the wrong reasons. They thought Paul was at their mercy, but the story reveals that they were truly blessed to be in his presence, and given the invitation to Christ through him. However, both of these men fail to capitalize on the opportunity presented to them. One thought it was too inconvenient, while the other just couldn't break the generation cycle his great-grandfather had started. We remember them for being so close, but not in Christ. In this message, we talk about the importance of having a personal relationship with Christ, and how the blessings of knowing Christ far outweigh whatever inconveniences that come from following Him. We also talk about the power of God that intervenes into the most unlikely of stories, to work His glory. Listen and marvel at the invitations that God gave to Governor Felix and King Agrippa, and consider the tragedy of their rejection.