Authentic Influence

10 Ways to Make Your Website More User Friendly with Colleen Keith



Wanting visitors to your site to appreciate your content enough to stick around, absorb, and convert? In this session, Freelance Graphic Designer Colleen Keith shares 10 tips for improving user engagement with your website. We cover: 02:17 Why it’s important to pay attention to your website design 07:23 When does it make sense to do a rebrand? 08:51 Why small businesses need a brand style guide 13:27 10 ways to make your site user-friendly and keep people around longer 34:59 How Colleen has been able to grow her business WITHOUT a social media presence About our guest expert Colleen Keith is a freelance graphic and web designer who helps entrepreneurs and growing companies make a positive and powerful impact. She offers small business strategy and recommendations along with her design services in an effort to help her clients make the world a better place. Resources mentioned: 10 Tips for a User-Friendly Website Check out Colleen’s free resources – the site that Colleen has created for me