Google Cloud Platform Podcast

Beam and Spark with Holden Karau



Holden Karau is on the podcast this week to talk all about Spark and Beam, two open source tools that helps process data at scale, with Mark and Melanie. Holden Karau Holden Karau is a transgender Canadian open source developer advocate @ Google with a focus on Apache Spark, BEAM, and related “big data” tools. She is the co-author of Learning Spark, High Performance Spark, and another Spark book that’s a bit more out of date. She is a commiter on and PMC on Apache Spark and committer on SystemML & Mahout projects. She was tricked into the world of big data while trying to improve search and recommendation systems and has long since forgotten her original goal. Cool things of the week Twitter’s collaboration with Google Cloud blog & tweet Kaggle CERN TrackML Particle Tracking Challenge Competition site Open-sourcing gVisor, a sandboxed container runtime blog & repo Announcing Stackdriver Kubernetes Monitoring blog MLPerf: collaborative effort to standardize ML benchmarks site Interview Spark