Google Cloud Platform Podcast

Ruby with Aja Hammerly



Today Aja Hammerly, Developer Advocate and fellow teammate at Google Cloud Platform, joins your cohosts Francesc and Mark to tell us about all the cool things you can do with Ruby on Google Cloud. About Aja Hammerly Aja lives in Seattle where she is a Developer Advocate at Google and a member of the Seattle Ruby Brigade. Her favorite languages are Ruby and Prolog. She also loves working with large piles of data. In her free time she enjoys skiing, cooking, knitting, and long coding sessions on the beach. Cool thing of the week Announcing GPUs for Google Cloud Platform blog Google Cloud to join .NET Foundation Technical Steering Group blog Interview Ruby on Google Cloud Platform docs APIs & Ruby Libraries docs Google App Engine Ruby Flexible Environment Documentation docs Create a BigQuery table with Ruby: Cloud Minute YouTube Create a VM with Fog & Ruby: Cloud Minute YouTube Upload to Google Cloud Storage with Fog: Cloud Minute YouTube RubyConf 2016 home page Official Ruby logo by Yukihiro Mats