Google Cloud Platform Podcast

Helm with Michelle Noorali and Matthew Butcher



Today your cohosts Francesc and Mark celebrate the fiftieth episode interviewing Michelle Noorali and Matt Butcher about Helm, a package manager for Kubernetes: like apt/yum/homebrew for Kubernetes. About Michelle Noorali Michelle Noorali is a software engineer at Deis. She is a Core Maintainer on the Helm project. Michelle is also the co-lead of the Kubernetes Special Interest Group for Applications, better known as SIG-Apps, which focuses primarily on defining, running, and managing applications in Kubernetes. About Matthew Butcher Matt Butcher is a software architect at Deis. He is the author of eight software development books, most recently Go in Practice. Matt has a Ph.D. in philosophy, and teaches in the computer science department at Loyola University Chicago. He has contributed to over one hundred open source projects. Matt is a founding member of the Helm project. Cool thing of the week Decoding the micro-moments of baseball: can you hear the game through data? blog post Treat Google Cloud Storage