Google Cloud Platform Podcast

Unikernels with John Feminella



John Feminella, Technical Advisor at Pivotal, tells your cohosts Francesc and Mark about unikernels: what they are, how they relate to containers, and why they are all the hype in cloud computing. About John John Feminella is an avid technologist, occasional public speaker, and curiosity advocate. He serves as an advisor to Pivotal, where he works on helping enterprises transform the way they write, operate, and deploy software. He’s also the cofounder of a tiny analytics monitoring and reporting startup named UpHex. He works with unikernels experimentally and is very interested in their application to platforms of the future. John lives in Charlottesville, VA and likes meta-jokes, milkshakes, and referring to himself in the third person in speaker bios. Cool thing of the week Firebase expands to become a unified app platform blog Open source demos from Instrument: Query It! and Emotobooth Google Cloud I/O talks playlist Firebase I/O talks playlist Interviews SF: Unikernels: Practical Adv