Google Cloud Platform Podcast

IAM with Rae Wang



In the twenty second episode of this podcast, your hosts Francesc and Mark interview Rae Wang, a Product Manager at Google, about IAM on the Google Cloud Platform. About Rae Rae is a product manager at Google and looks after IAM (Identity and Access Management) on GCP. She has been at Google for 3 years and is based in the Seattle office. Before Google she worked in other software companies for over a decade. Cool thing of the week Bonus interview with Brendan Burns, lead engineer on Kubernetes: Google’s open source cluster manager for containers. Latte vs. Kubernetes setup - which is faster? YouTube Kubernetes Config Maps docs Adding custom resources to the Kubernetes API server docs Kubernetes Cluster Federation (a.k.a. “Ubernetes”) docs Scaling neural network image classification using Kubernetes with TensorFlow Serving docs Episode #16, a Product Manager at Google that works amongh other projects on IAM GCPPodcast Interviews Google Cloud Identity & Access Management docs GCPNext - Identity and