Authentic Influence

How to grow your podcast audience & launch a book ft. Nick Loper of Side Hustle Nation



Do you want to learn how to How to grow your podcast audience & launch a book? Listen to this interview with Nick Loper of Side Hustle Nation, where we discuss: – Podcast growth: climbing the listener pyramid – SEO: creating content that ranks – Facebook as a discovery channel: Nick’s new favorite tool for list growth Topics discussed: 00:00 Introducing Nick Loper 04:46 How Nick built Side Hustle Nation podcast 08:43 Podcast growth: climbing the listener pyramid. How do you get more listeners for your podcast? 09:07 STEP 1: How to attract strangers to your podcast 15:42 STEP 2: Moving listeners to subscribers 18:40 Tips for doing show notes more efficiently 23:00 STEP 3: Listener pyramid level 4 – How to move subscribers to fans 24:28 Facebook as a discovery channel – why launch a FB group 26:53 A system for introducing fb group members to your content 31:00 How can you optimize your group for list growth 33:00 What’s working for building engagement in a FB group 35:10 Tips for managing a large FB group 3