Latter Gay Stories

152: Page Petrucka | Happiness Exists In Authenticity



Page knew she was different, but Mormonism has a way of convincing you to keep those “different” feelings buried deep inside. Those feelings and natural connections can only stay hidden for so long—and eventually they blossom. After coming out later in life, Page Petrucka shares her journey of finding happiness, understanding her divine worth, harnessing the power of good friends, and thriving in affirmative spaces. She shares her experience coming out to her family, no longer fearing her sexuality, and learning first-hand that happiness does exist where religion told her it didn’t. Enjoy this and many other episodes online at and on our YouTube channel. An audio version of this episode is available everywhere you catch your favorite podcast episodes. #LatterGayStories #LesbianMormon #GayMormon