Risen Church Nc

God and Sinner Reconciled - Luke 7:36-50



Jesus was known to keep company of people from all across the spectrum. He dined with both Pharisees and Tax Collectors. Both sides, especially the religious crowd, wanted to keep Him for themselves, but Jesus could not be contained. On one occasion when Jesus sat down with a group of Pharisees, an unexpected and unwelcomed guest found their table. A woman labeled as an outcast and considered irredeemable came to worship Jesus, and this drew great ire from the religious men. This fateful encounter proves to be a perfect window into the Kingdom of God, and Jesus's thoughts about both sin and religion. In this message we discuss what the world had gotten so wrong about both matters, and how Jesus came to change everything. He came to lift the burden of judgement from every sinner. He came to expose religion's incapability to justify and satisfy our souls. He came to bring the love, hope, peace and joy that we all long for. Jesus came a Savior unto us all.